Hello! This is a little less of a blog post and more of an announcement. As you probably know, I have four young children ages 8, 5, 6, and 3. We have recently uncovered a health issue that affects all of them. It is not life threatening and there is a good treatment plan to follow, but it will take time. It may take a full year to implement. Nevertheless, we are very thankful to have a diagnosis and a way to move forward.

During this period, I plan to continue making artwork but I will not be able to keep up my regular pattern of posting, emails, and insider videos. I have to cut back somewhere. In my priorities, Family and Health come first, Art Production comes second and Art Business comes third, so I’ve decided to take a break from the business side of things.

On the positive side, this will give me a bit of an “incubation period” to develop my creative ideas. I may pop into your inbox to show you something I’ve made that I think is really exciting. However, at present I’m hesitant to commit to a schedule of posting because I really don’t know how much time and energy this treatment for the children is going to take.

Hopefully at the start of 2021 I’ll have a batch of great new artwork to show you! If not I’ll have a story and a new starting point.

My mother once told me that the most flexible person in the room is always the strongest. This wisdom has proved true for me and I’m using it as guidance now.

Also on the positive side, we’ve just had a great holiday together. I hope you’re having a similarly positive experience. And if not, we’ve all got the clean slate of a new year to look forward to. It’s a time to dig deep, look at your priorities and make sure they support your dreams. If they don’t, do something about it because life is short! You’ve got to LIVE now!

Here’s wishing you a great start to a new decade. I’ll see you in 2021.

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