Hello! So much has happened since I last wrote! My latest exhibition “Deconstruct to a New Paradigm” is now on display! It has come together beautifully. Honestly, every time I walk into this show I like it more. It has a warm atmosphere with plenty of space to explore and interesting food for thought. It’s stimulating and reassuring at the same time! Such a good combination!

The exhibition seeks to help participants create their own positive vision of the future despite the deeply divided times in which we live.  How can we work together to find common ground?  What might that look like?

Here are some photos to wet your appetite:

A view from the back of the exhibition featuring one of Kathleen Kondilas’s sculptures on a pedestal.


My latest work “Crossing the Breach” is finished and hung in the exhibition.  As you can see, in the final version I tilted the two sides away from each other to make it more unstable.  Only a tiny thread grasped by the bottom two figures holds it together!  Oh, the challenge of resolving conflict is so complex!


My sculpture “the little quiet things” installed in the exhibition alongside one of Kathleen Kondilas’s sculptures.


There are keys that participants can select and carry with them throughout the exhibition. My children absolutely loved trying them out in Tekla Howachyn’s “Opening Doors” installation.


Here are my kids standing proudly beside the wall installation they helped to construct alongside the artists!


The exhibition is quite kid friendly.  There are painted keys with quotes attached for participants to select and take with them.  There is a labyrinth to walk and doors to walk through.  As you can see kids love trying their keys in the doors!  And when they are done with all that there is beautiful and interesting wall art to explore.

The Opening Reception is on Friday Aug 2nd from 5-8 pm.  It is timed to coincide with the Downtown Art Walk in which lots of other galleries will be having openings, so it’s a great time to come out.  There will be an artist talk at 6:30 and a dance performance soon to follow.

The next day we will be holding thematic workshops:

10:00-11:55  “Why the Labrynth?”  led by Marty Cain

12:00-1:55   “Breaking Out of Beliefs that Bind” led by Jay Pfeil

1:00-1:55     “Make Your Own Story Quilt” led by Jenny Kiehn

2:00-2:55     “ReFraming Our Narratives” led by Mary Lounsbury

3:00-5:00     “Empowering Embodiment through the 5 Rhythms Movement” led by Karen Chapman

A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the non-profit Our VOICE.

For more info or to sign up, click here.


In my workshop “Make Your Own Story Quilt” YOU will get to design your own resin quilt!

This is an excellent intro into learning to explore your creativity mindfully.  We will be focusing on staying in the moment, noticing the characteristics of the objects you are working with and thoughtfully exploring how their selection and arrangement can describe a person, story, or topic.

All you need to bring is yourself and an open mind.  I will be there with a very wide range of objects and natural forms to choose from, plus some handy trays for you to arrange your design in.  I will photograph it professionally for you on the spot and you will get a print to take home!

The feedback I’ve gotten from this workshop is “overwhelmingly positive.”  Participants have loved exploring the process and creating their own symbolism.  You don’t need any artistic skill at all.  This is about exploring the thought process and learning to play!

Sign up NOW while there are still spaces left!  There are limited spaces to make sure each attendant has a fantastic experience. Click here to reserve your spot.

I’m so looking forward to the opening reception and the workshop!  Hopefully I’ll see you there and we can chat in person!

Take Care,
