I’m super excited because a new class I’ve cooked up with the amazing Ginger Huebner at Roots and Wings School of Art and Design is about to start! It’s a class on Creative Mindset, a way to give yourself a “creative reboot” once a month to help you on your own creative journey or just give yourself some space to breathe in your busy life.
It is perfect for you if:
– You crave creative time and space but struggle to make it actually happen
– You want a chance to escape and just be YOU for a while
– You want a little bit of challenge to launch you forward into the goodness
– You want to learn a variety of mixed media techniques to aid you in your creative PLAY
– You want to learn a creative mindset to help you let go and enjoy the process
– You want to hang out in a fun, creative atmosphere
Ginger and I will take turns teaching each month. She starts off the series tomorrow, I will be teaching next month on the second Friday from 7:00 to 9:00. If you’ve already got plans for tomorrow, feel free to join later. However, you might want to go ahead and book your seat because the class is filling up fast!
We’ve put together a lovely inspiration book and a great series of themed sessions to get you going. (When you sign up, you get your own copy of the inspiration book to keep.) All materials are included. Please feel free to bring your own snacks and drinks and sign up with a friend or more if you want to!
It’s going to be awesome!
Click here for more info or to book your seat!